Hi hello!! Welcome!! We’re so glad you made it this far. Finally a proper website! More importantly, finally a place where you can easily find all relevant information on Doll Hospital Journal. We’ve been so excited, overjoyed and all that good stuff of the positive feedback we’ve received since the launch of Issue One in early 2015, but also of the support we’ve received during our initial call for submissions and our Kickstarter backing! When preparing for Issue Two it became clear we needed a space online where we could easily point to for people who want to submit, buy the journal or just generally learn more of our goals.
In this space you can read up on the journal (and how our story developed!), read some frequently asked questions, find out how and what to submit, how to contribute, and lots more. Of course we provide more info on where to buy the journal, but we’ve also created a little shop for some simple totes and t-shirts so you can proudly sport the lovely Doll Hospital handwritten logo!
If you notice our little navigation bar called ‘Issues’ you’ll notice Issue Two already has its own page with a lot of details on what’s in it. Yes, it’s true Issue Two is coming! We will start selling digital copies on Friday the 4th of December, yay!! We’ll post more on it this coming week so keep an eye out for that here, or on our social media. We’re pretty excited about it, are you?!
Anyway, let us know if there’s any info you’d like to see added to our website and just generally tell us what you think and get excited with us as we prepare for our next issue launch, yay!!
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