Hurrah! Finally here we are with not only an issue two hard copy pre-sale but also a digital version of issue three!
Our issue two pre-order sale starts today and ends August 19th! After this sale, the orders will be placed and the physical copies mailed late August/early September. This pre-order is to raise funds for printing as we are currently unable to offer our usual pay as you wish option. However, we hope to our pay as you wish option again in the not-too-distant future. So stay posted if you cannot afford a pre-order but still wish to own a physical copy!
Also, as an extra thank you for pre-orders we will be sending you a free digital version of Issue Three as well as an 8 tracks mix of good vibe songs mailed to you inbox automatically!
Issue Three is also available as a stand alone digital copy as of right now! Check out the sneak preview here. Our latest issue features a gorgeous cover by the wonderfully talented Haejin Park, tackles themes such as experiences with OCPD, the trauma of black girlhood, young men’s mental health in prison spaces, unlearning the shame of crystal meth use, representations of mental health in Bollywood cinema, pregnancy and mental health treatment, coping with a phobia of sleep, toxic parents, psychosis and delusions of grandeur, navigating the intersections of Islamphobia and black girlhood, the stigma of schizophrenia, Buffy the Vampire Slayer….and much more. We also have interviews with Dina Fiasconaro, Ambivalently Yours and Sara Lautman. Some of our editors and contributors chatted about what mental health experiences are seen as too stigmatised to talk about openly. And of course we have some amazing art to accompany this all! See a detailed list of contributors and more on our usual Issue page.